品 牌:天士力
含 量:0.15gX9袋/盒
规 格:300盒/箱

天士力 芪参益气滴丸 功能主治是益气通脉,活血止痛。用于气虚血瘀型胸痹。症见胸闷胸痛,气短乏力、心悸、面色少华、自汗,舌体胖有齿痕、舌质暗或紫暗或有瘀斑,脉沉或沉弦。适用于冠心病、心绞痛。

天士力 芪参益气滴丸 功能主治是益气通脉,活血止痛。用于气虚血瘀型胸痹。症见胸闷胸痛,气短乏力、心悸、面色少华、自汗,舌体胖有齿痕、舌质暗或紫暗或有瘀斑,脉沉或沉弦。适用于冠心病、心绞痛。

天士力 芪参益气滴丸 功能主治是益气通脉,活血止痛。用于气虚血瘀型胸痹。症见胸闷胸痛,气短乏力、心悸、面色少华、自汗,舌体胖有齿痕、舌质暗或紫暗或有瘀斑,脉沉或沉弦。适用于冠心病、心绞痛。

天士力 芪参益气滴丸 功能主治是益气通脉,活血止痛。用于气虚血瘀型胸痹。症见胸闷胸痛,气短乏力、心悸、面色少华、自汗,舌体胖有齿痕、舌质暗或紫暗或有瘀斑,脉沉或沉弦。适用于冠心病、心绞痛。

天士力 芪参益气滴丸 功能主治是益气通脉,活血止痛。用于气虚血瘀型胸痹。症见胸闷胸痛,气短乏力、心悸、面色少华、自汗,舌体胖有齿痕、舌质暗或紫暗或有瘀斑,脉沉或沉弦。适用于冠心病、心绞痛。
天士力 芪参益气滴丸 0.5g*9袋说明书
【药品名称】通用名称: 芪参益气滴丸
【商品名称】天士力 芪参益气滴丸 0.5g*15袋
【拼音全码】 TianShiLi ZuoCanYiQiDiWan 0.5g*15Dai
【禁 忌】尚不明确。
Shipping Policy 运送政策
All orders will be processed and shipped within 3-5 business days.
所有订单会在3 – 5个工作日内受理及发货
Delivery Area:Throughout the U.S..
Free shipping on orders over $49.9 (before tax, including $49.9); flat shipping rate is $9.99 otherwise.
If you are experiencing a non-delivery or your tracking information states your package was delivered by
carrier but you have not received it; or you inspect any damages occurred during shipping, you should
contact customer service within 7 days of your receipt, we will assist you with the carrier to locate the
package or initiate a claim. Please note that we require photos of the damaged items for insurance
purposes. This allows our shipping carriers to provide better services in the future.
Return Policy 退货政策
If you receive wrong products or short shipment, please contact customer service, we will send you the
correct products for free and take care of the return.
If the product you receive is defective or has functional problems, please contact customer service within
30 days of your original receipt. We will process return/refund after confirming the product problem.
Please make sure all returned goods are packed properly and safely to prevent possible shipping
damage. Use the original packaging if possible. Please understand that we might reject your return if it’s
damaged or lost due to improper packaging.
The item must be packaged and in original condition (unopen, unused, and in re-salable condition).
Returned items must be delivered to us unused, in original packaging and in original condition. Products
are NOT eligible for exchange or refund once they are used.